TOOCHE at That Red Sweater

We are glad to announce that starting from now our shoes and bags are available at 

That Red Sweater is an online exclusive clothing and accessory shop that sells red fashion items to donate part of profit to charity fund that helps deaf blind people. 

That Red Sweater is not only about red or about sweaters - it's about you and me, as in the end - we both have our red blood in our veins and we are both knitted into the canvas of life.

That Red Sweater is red, because red is the color of life and the color of love.

That Red Sweater is red, because red is that classic color that makes a man sing and is in fashion throughout the times, just as help is.

That Red Sweater is red, because red is the color that makes us stop every time we cross the road and the we need to stop to help a deaf blind - instead of passing him over and over again.

That Red Sweater is red, because red is actually one of the first colours you learned to recognise when you were a small infant.
It is also one of the colours people with vision problems see best.

That Red Sweater is red, because i don't know any other way to make this world a better place. And because i want you to recognise how great it is that you can SEE THIS!!

Shop TOOCHE shoes and bags and many more amazing products here and make an impact to the society!

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